Friday, October 29, 2010


To help her students study Beowulf Ms.Wilson took her classes outside to draw on the sidewalk with chalk. Each student was instructed to illustrate a word from the poem. These are my favorite four pictures I took of Abby Orlandi, Mary Addison and Elizabeth Bennett.

My favorite of the four is the one of Mary by herself. Her matching purple shoes and shirt make the picture colorful without over doing it. Thus using the "hot sauce" rule. If you have something good, don't over use it. It has depth of field with Mary as the main focus but the box of chalk and chalk pieces at the bottom of the picture. The vertical photo of Mary and Elizabeth also has depth of field with the the girls as the main focus but grass stretched across a large portion of the picture. The grass adds color and depth of field that are visually pleasing.

Ads Templates

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Three years of Yearbook

My name is Sam Hillman and I am a senior in my third year of yearbook. Last year, my second year, I was the Ads Editor and this year I am Editor In Chief: Ads. I have made a few big mistakes in the years I've been in yearbook, but I have also learned a lot. Yearbook has taught me about advertising, layout, design, how to use Indesign and Photoshop and other more concrete things or skills. But it has also taught me about other important things such as responsibility and taking things seriously. Yearbook is often stressful and frustrating but at the end of the day I am always glad to have taken the class.